Has Work / Life Blend Become Work / Life Blur?

by | Jun 23, 2021

Has work/life blend turned into work/life blur? When you are working, do you feel guilty because you aren’t with your family? When you are with your family, do you feel guilty because you aren’t working?

Guilt is the #1 unhealthy emotional habit.

The worst thing about guilt is that it robs you of your joy and depletes your Spiritual Cup.

When my clients talk to me about this, I always invite them to do one simple thing. Today, I invite you to do the same:

If guilt is one of the unhealthy emotional habits you struggle with, I invite you to choose otherwise.

Sounds simple right? You’ll be surprised to know that it really is as simple as it sounds.

It all starts with a decision. When those feelings of guilt creep up, you need to DECIDE to let them go. You need to give permit yourself to say “I’m doing the very best that I can with what I’ve got”.

Self-compassion is so important. While for many people, it is easy to have compassion for others, but we need to be able to have it for ourselves too.

I’d love to hear what you are choosing to let go of. Leave a comment and let me know what you decide on and how you plan to go about doing it. 

BE more kind to yourself.
BE more compassionate.
Be more forgiving.
Be more loving.

Remember, you are a Powerhouse.

Wishing you a guiltless week.

Resilient Leadership Speaker, Author, Coach & Retreat Facilitator

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PS – My new video is live on YouTube. Check it out to hear more about Unhealthy Emotional Habits and how to break them. While you are there, if you like what you hear, hit that big red SUBSCRIBE button so you don’t miss any of my videos.