When’s The Last Time You Learned A Lesson From Bees?

by | Feb 2, 2022

Protect Your Peace. That’s our theme for these next few weeks.

Here we are in room #2, your Emotionally Fit Room, which is, of course, coming from my book The Powerhouse in You.

My invitation to you is to look around your Emotionally Fit Room and ask yourself “Where do I need to protect my peace”?

Each of us has a “Go-To” emotional pattern. It may be an old story you keep telling yourself that keeps you stuck or disconnected. Example: “My self-worth is connected to helping others. Life is hard. Things never work out for me. I will always be alone. I am not worthy to spend time with….. I am not good enough.”

You see how these limiting beliefs are not only dangerous for your emotional wellbeing but all 4 of your rooms? Pay attention to your emotional patterns and interrupt them by replacing these old stories with what you do want. Example: I am not responsible for someone else’s happiness, I am worthy, Life is good. All is well.”

Our world is grieving. We are grieving the loss of loved ones, the loss of opportunities, the loss of innocence, and the loss of freedom.

Not that long ago, I read a piece that I thought was brilliant. It reminded me that I can go and observe the bees working and see them buzzing around while they do their work. However, if I get too close, or try to get in there with them, I’m going to get stung.

I think the same goes for our hearts. What you need to remind yourself is that detaching with love is key when it comes to protecting your peace. You don’t need to get into someone else’s business. You have enough going on.

So what you can do is hold the space for them while not carrying what is happening to them. You don’t need to get in there and try to change things. Sometimes, the most meaningful connections come from simply taking the time to be quietly present, to listen, and not advise.

I’d love for you to share this story because I’m sure there are many people out there who could use the same reminder from the bees.

Remember, you are a POWERHOUSE.

BE more kind to yourself.
BE more compassionate.
Be more forgiving.
Be more loving.

Wishing you a powerful week.

Resilient Leadership Speaker, Author, Coach & Retreat Facilitator

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PS – My new video has dropped on YouTube. Check it out to hear more about what you can do in your Emotionally Fit Room to help you Protect Your Peace. While you are there, if you like what you hear, hit that big red SUBSCRIBE button so you don’t miss any of my videos.