How loosening your underwear will make you a better leader

Defending the upside of being a “control freak” just may be a flag that you need to loosen your underwear.

With all eyes on you as the fearless leader unrealistic expectations can be projected on to you causing you to be overwhelmed, lose focus, mishandle some situations, take on some unhealthy habits and occasionally experience the imposter syndrome.

The powerful 4 rooms letting go formula will help you minimize your leadership hazards so you rise above the ongoing pressure to maximize your peak potential. When your underwear is loose you have the ability to be more creative, more playful, more resourceful, more focused, more approachable and overall more effective.

These content packed success strategies will navigate your leadership journey so you will experience an abundance of clarity, confidence, resilience and commonality with like-minded leaders.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Signs your underwear is too tight and you need to let go
  2. Myths and trappings through the eyes of a Ninja leader
  3. How control issues negatively affect your wellbeing
  4. Discover the source of not letting go
  5. Identify and address areas where you struggle most with letting go
  6. Learn mindful leadership techniques to create more relaxation, contentment and focus
  7. Learn how to ask & receive constructive feedback
  8. Explore self care strategies
  9. Experience the 4 rooms letting go formula
  10. Create an effective and simplistic action plan to be a more mindful leader